Gratification Expected and Obtained In Watching Infotainment Programme Neeyaa Naanaa: A Television Viewing Motive Study


  • Hadwin Charli Durai.S Research Scholar, Journalism and Mass Communication, Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar, Punjab, India.



Neeyaa Naanaa, viewing motives, expected gratification, obtained gratification


This research studies the motivating factors that drive audience to watch Neeyaa Naanaa. The gratification expected in watching Neeyaa Naanaa and the gratification obtained after watching the programme is also analysed. Non Probability purposive sampling method was adopted to draw primary data through closed-ended questionnaires. The survey was conducted to a sample size of 1010 individuals covering all demographic segments. The sampling was limited to in and around Chennai city. This study explores the influencing statement in each of the dimensions as a reason for watching Neeyaa Naanaa. A comparison of similarities between the Expected Gratification and Obtained Gratification in watching Neeyaa Naanaa is also studied.




How to Cite

Durai.S, H. C. . (2023). Gratification Expected and Obtained In Watching Infotainment Programme Neeyaa Naanaa: A Television Viewing Motive Study. MediaSpace: DME Media Journal of Communication, 3(01), 34–42.