Feature Films in Theatres and OTT Platforms: A Study into Viewing Habits and Preferences


  • Charu C. Pathak Sr. Independent Linguist




Films in theatres and on OTT platforms is a very different kind of an experience. The coming of OTT has transformed the audience preferences and ways of consumption of the media content and cinema to be specific in this case (Pandit, 2020). Before the advent of OTT cinema has undergone many other types of changes as well. These changes of the past have had a lot of influence on how the people perceived cinema and its contents. From the single screen to multiplex, audience has been witness to plenty of transformations. From black and white films to colour and from big screens to TV screens via cable TV and now the OTT, these changes have been an outcome of the technological realities. Whatever may have been the reasons for these changes, the reality remains that OTT poses a serious threat to the cinema halls and their existence. Thus it becomes imperative that peoples preferences with respect to cinema and OTT is understood.




How to Cite

C. Pathak, C. . (2023). Feature Films in Theatres and OTT Platforms: A Study into Viewing Habits and Preferences. MediaSpace: DME Media Journal of Communication, 3(01), 20–22. https://doi.org/10.53361/dmejc.v3i01.04