Alternate Dispute Resolution and Copyright Litigation


  • Christabell Joseph Dr. Christabell Joseph, School of Law, Christ (Deemed to be University), Bangalore



Keywords: Copyright, ADR mechanisms, Arbitration, Mediation and Conciliation.


With the internet’s growing influence, numerous pirated copies of copyrighted works exist on different platforms. It is not possible to always approach the Courts because the person infringing the copyright might be a citizen in a country other than where the copyright owner resides. As a result, the person who infringed the copyright is out of the court’s reach. Here comes in handy the ADR mechanism established in almost every nation. This paper primarily deals with the suitability of the ADR mechanism being more than usual litigation for violation of copyright and licensing agreements.The article first deals with the potential copyright disputes that might arise due to the overarching boundaries of the internet. Thereafter, the paper centers its focus on the problems that the parties to an infringement suit might face if courts are approached for copyright infringement such as lack of jurisdiction, expensive, time-consuming, and so on. As the article proceeds further, it delves into how the ADR mechanism has improved the resolution of copyright disputes. The ADR mechanism does not need to abide by all the domestic laws of one country. In cases where parties belong to different jurisdictions, the parties are free to choose any seat of arbitration and the applicable arbitration rules. It is ultimately the law of the seat of arbitration that governs the arbitration process. Moreover, the approach of the ADR mechanism is always to arrive at a win-win solution i.e., a solution where neither of the parties is at disadvantage. The ADR mechanism works solely with the intention to resolve disputes by arriving at a settlement where both parties are satisfied and neither of them becomes the loser. The article also deals with the difference in approach of arbitration, mediation, conciliation, and other ADR methods while resolving a dispute.




How to Cite

Joseph, C. . (2023). Alternate Dispute Resolution and Copyright Litigation. DME Journal of Law, 4(01), 27–35.



Research Article