Saubhagyawati Bhava: Marriage as a License to Torture? Exploring the Mental Health Impact and Legal Lacunas Faced by Women in India


  • Prateek Singh LL.M, Dr. Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University, Lucknow, U.P.
  • Ritika Srivastava 2Assistant Professor (Department of Humanities & Social Sciences) Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University, Barabanki, U.P.



Saubhagyawati Bhava, mental health, legal lacunas, women, marriages, dignity, marital torture


Marriage, often portrayed as a sacred bond and a source of happiness, can tragically become a license for torment and suffering for many women in India. This paper explores the concept of "Saubhagyawati Bhava" (meaning "May you be blessed with good fortune as a wife"), traditionally associated with marital bliss, through a critical lens, questioning its validity in the face of widespread marital abuse and torture. Focusing on the mental health impact and legal lacunas faced by women in India, this study delves into the multifaceted challenges endured by women trapped in abusive marriages. Drawing upon empirical research, legal analyses, and societal perspectives, this paper delves into the psychological toll inflicted by marital abuse, as well as the systemic failures and loopholes in legal frameworks that perpetuate impunity for perpetrators. By shedding light on the stark realities of marital torture and its detrimental effects on women's well-being, this research underscores the urgent need for legal reforms, social interventions, and support systems to safeguard the rights and dignity of women in India's marital institutions. Ultimately, the paper calls for a re-evaluation of societal norms, cultural practices, and legal structures to ensure that marriage is not a license to torture, but rather a sanctuary of love, respect, and mutual empowerment for all individuals involved.




How to Cite

Prateek Singh, & Srivastava , R. . (2024). Saubhagyawati Bhava: Marriage as a License to Torture? Exploring the Mental Health Impact and Legal Lacunas Faced by Women in India. DME Journal of Law, 5(02), 76–85.



Research Article