Literature Review of “Emotional Intelligence and Women Entrepreneurial Orientation”
Emotional Intelligence, Entrepreneurial Orientation, Innovativeness, Proactivity, Autonomy, Competitive Aggressiveness, Risk Taking, Women Entrepreneurs.Abstract
Entrepreneurship is entering into business opportunity and creating employment in economy. It boosts the nation’s economy and financial aspect of individual. With growing population, unemployment, Entrepreneurship can tackle this biggest challenge for India via creating more and more employment in their firms. Entrepreneurs are growing tremendously with record of 14.4% Entrepreneurial Activity rate in 2021 as compare to 5.3% in 2020 (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), n.d.)but the participation of women in entrepreneurship is not going at that par. Women’s share in Entrepreneurship in India is 13.76%.
Entrepreneurship is affected by External and Internal Environment of Individual. Externally Government policies, Economical status of Nation, Bank finance availability, Market trend etc which are not in control of Individual. Internally entrepreneur’s behaviours, stress taking capacity, Intelligence etc which are in the control of Individual. Behaviour pattern of entrepreneurs, is affected by their cognitive and emotional intelligence.(Checa & Fernández-Berrocal, 2019) Both intelligences are interconnected, but EI could influence emotional task performances independently of IQ( Alkozei et. al., 2018).
This needs a thorough understanding of the Emotional aspect for controlling Entrepreneur’s actions. we have focussed our review on Emotional aspect of Entrepreneur. We have reviewed- “peer reviewed” research papers, articles, books published in last 20 years. Our source of research papers is Google Scholar, EBSCO, Research gate, J-Gate. We found the Positive relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Entrepreneurial Orientation (Khatoon,2013) but it has not been studied on women entrepreneurs (Pradhan & Nath, 2012). Most of the researchers have study the concept on students, Managers, and small-micro firm entrepreneurs from other countries. No empirical research on relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Entrepreneurial Orientation in India we have found, which is required to study, to prove whether the correlation between them is applicable to India and how this correlation affects the Women Entrepreneurs.