E-Waste – Introducing Gen Z Pollution


  • Shubham Srivastava Centre for legal studies Gitaratan International Business School, Delhi, India.
  • Khushbu sangwan Centre for legal studies, Gitaratan International Business School, Delhi , India.




Degradation, WEEE-Directives, hazard, Eco-friendly, E-waste


E-waste in simple words is the waste that is generated from devices like mobile
phones, computers, ACs, fridges etc. The different types of waste are the outcome
of our daily or industrial activities. E-waste is generated when the devices we use in
our daily lives are broken or worn out of use they are either thrown in the garbage
or sold at the value of it, which ultimately results in the accumulation of unwanted
electronic waste. The paper discusses the generation of mounting quantities of
e-waste leading to increased threats to the environment due to multiple reasons such
as industrialization, urbanization and changes in the pattern of life, which accompany
the process of economic growth. In recent years, technologies have been developed
that are triggering a substantial quantity of energy and waste from the devices posing
a threat concerning e-waste for its safe disposal. The research objective of this paper
is to suggest steps, with the help of which the recycling of the e-waste generated
can be made sure along with the methods to control the generation of e-waste
simultaneously. To study the eco-sustainable practices of stakeholders viz-a-viz bulk
consumers, consumers, producers or manufacturers and government authorities
towards the management of e-waste. Moreover, the paper discusses in depth the
methods of how western countries are responsible for the accumulation of E-waste
in the South Asian region in the name of used goods. The authors explain in detail
what steps can be procured to prevent such accretion, moreover emphasizing the
methods inculcated by various countries to deal with such type of waste.




How to Cite

Srivastava, S., & sangwan, K. (2023). E-Waste – Introducing Gen Z Pollution. DME Journal of Management, 3(01), 21–27. https://doi.org/10.53361/dmejm.v3i01.04